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Sister Company Collabs

YNF x Kenny's 622 Trowbridge: Cooking Classes

YNF x Braxton Managment LLC: Business Seminars

Return of the YNF Ambassador Program! This season (June 2024-May 2025), we are selecting two (2) high school students who are eager for personal development and community building. This program is designed to help build a sense of community and help young people on their quest to shake up the future. There will be monthly check-ins that entail YNF event planning, outreach brainstorming, personal goal accountability, and more. Check-ins are primarily virtual, but some check-ins or outings will be in person. Ambassadors are requested to attend and participate in YNF community events. At the end of a successful term, a stipend of $250 will be granted to each qualifying Ambassador.* If interested, please fill out the application and consents; if you are under the age of eighteen (18), a parent or guardian must sign.  The deadline for applications is May 15, 2024. Candidates will be announced on May 30, 2024. Apply today!

* A successful term is defined as active participation, good communication, evident personal growth, and other factors at the discretion of YNF, the CEO, or parent company. YNF reserves the right to revoke this offer.

Young NOT Foolish is a movement first; business second. We are more than apparel to wear and events to attend; we are a community built on love standing on our Christian foundation with open arms to those who need an embrace, Christian or otherwise. YNF has a social cause to  spread love, build community, and impact lives.

Our Mission Statement
We seek to bridge the gap between generations thus creating a stronger community and village for our youth to be empowered to make the choice to love unfoolishly. We execute our mission through positive apparel and community events. Our forums engage real people and make what it is to build community relevant to today on a personal level. We put people in drive and keep the domino effect in motion. Action often happens at an individual level but bringing a room full of strangers who come from various backgrounds yet are still able to identify with one another is nothing short of magical -glorious really...

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